1    /* 
2     * Program to take the dimensions of a shipping container in integer form and return the longest possible 
3     * object that can fit diagonally in the container. 
4     */
6    package shapes;
8    import java.util.Scanner;
10   public class ShippingContainer {
11       public static void main(String [] args){
12           //create the variables for the measurements of the shipping container and bind them to the
13           //scanner inputs
14           double width = width();
15           double length = length();
16           double height = height();
17           double distance = keydiagonal(width, length, height);
18           //now return the longest object that can fit into the container
19           System.out.println("The longest object that can fit into the shipping container with the dimensions" +
20                   "you provided is: " + distance + "units");
22       }
23       //ask the user for the with, length, and height, and return it to the variables
25       private static int width(){
26           System.out.print("Please enter the width, in units, of the shipping container: ");
27           Scanner scannerW = new Scanner(;
28           int width = scannerW.nextInt();
29           return width;
30       }
32       private static int length(){
33           System.out.print("Please enter the length, in units, of the shipping container: ");
34           Scanner scannerL = new Scanner(;
35           int length = scannerL.nextInt();
36           return length;
37       }
39       private static int height() {
40           System.out.print("Please enter the height, in units, of the shipping container: ");
41           Scanner scannerH = new Scanner(;
42           int height = scannerH.nextInt();
43           return height;
44       }
46       //create keydiagonal() to return the diagonal of the key, using height, length, width, and
47       //conceptual shapes.
48       private static double keydiagonal(double width, double length, double height){
49           //use the width and length to create the floor of the shipping container, then find it's
50           //diagonal using SRectangle
51           SRectangle face = new SRectangle(width, length);
52           double keylength = face.diagonal();
53           //use the diagonal of "face" and the height to create "key"
54           SRectangle key = new SRectangle(height, keylength);
55           //find the diagonal of the "key" and return it for the longest object that can fit into
56           //the shipping container
57           double distance = key.diagonal();
58           return distance;
60       }
61   }