Damian Schofield
Academic, Film Buff, Juggler, Drinker, Philosopher ...
OK, so maybe I'm not really a philosopher.
Academic, Film Buff, Juggler, Drinker, Philosopher ...
OK, so maybe I'm not really a philosopher.
Director of Human Computer Interaction (Full Professor), State University of New York (Oswego), U.S.A.
Visiting Associate Professor of Digital Forensics, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia
Director, Aims Solutions Ltd. (VR Simulation Company), Nottingham, England
I took my first tenured professor position at the University of Nottingham in 1999. The turn of the new century also saw the formation of my spin-out company Aims Solutions Ltd. (a company creating VR simulation systems), of which I continue to be a director.
While at the University of Nottingham I was on the management team of the prestigeous Mixed Reality Lab (MRL) - while here I worked oon a wide range of virtual reality, computer graphics, and augmented reality projects. The MRL holds three BAFTA nominations and an Ars Electronica Golden Nica award for Interactive Art. My time here was great fun as I got to play with all their toys.
At RMIT University I was in charge of six undergraduate degree programs, ranging from fine art to computer science. These included digital art, game design, multimedia, artificial intelligence and games programming. I also supervised a number of PhD students in completion in a number of computer games related research areas.
Melbourne is an amazing city, often voted as one of the best places in the world to live, and I had a great time there. I still work regularly with academic collaborators over in Australia and regularly organise trips back, often taking students with me as study abroad opportunites.
I have been involved in research examining the use of digital evidence in courtrooms, particularly virtual reconstructions (using computer games, graphics and virtual reality technology), for many years.
I am specifically interested in the representation and understanding of visual evidentiary information in the courtroom environment. Much of this academic research in the forensic area has concentrated on the investigation of the prejudicial effect of digital evidence, validation and verification procedures, admissibility of digital evidence and the mathematical uncertainty concerned with digital evidence. I have been recognised internationally as a leading academic in this field, and have been used as an expert witness in courts all over the world.
The work involved statistical analysis of variation in facial measurements in 3D and the development of novel algorithms for making 2D and 3D comparisons between faces, facial image capture from video streams and automatic detection of facial landmarks.
The results from this project were published in a book. You can also read articles on the project from the Guardian and the BBC.
This is a facial reconstruction undertaken for a documentary on the Discovery Channel. Working with a team of archaeologists, anthropologists, Egyptologists, radiologists and forensic scientists we created a facial reconstruction of a mummy from a tomb in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. This mummy is believed by a number of archaeologists to be Queen Nefertiti.
You can read articles on the project from USA today and Biomedical Scientist. There is also an animated clip showing how the face was reconstructed.
My particular interest was in the use of interactive three-dimensional visual representations which negated the use for text or language dependant learning. This project was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
We worked with the Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee (D.M.S.C.), a union of 65,000 sex workers based in Calcutta. There is an article in the Times of India that describes this project.
My research in this field often involves experiments undertaken to assess the impact of the technology on jurors and describes some of the issues raised by the results, identifying potential benefits and problems of implementing this technology in courtroom settings.
Read more in this article on the use of forensic animation in courtrooms from Evidence Technology.
In January 2008, the JIVE project team ran a number of mock trials in the supreme court in Sydney where a range of forensic animations and interactive reconstructions of evidence relating to a terrorist bombing (at Redfern Train Station in Sydney) were shown to a number of different groups of jurors.
The concept of cyborg theatre reflects a form of engagement with technology that has shifted over time, theatre is often seen as a space for experimentation, for introducing old ideas anew, for developing what hasn’t been able to be articulated in other forms. The use of robot actors in cyborg theatre introduces ideas about the representation and signification of the body and affects change through their technological equivalents.
I am currently Director of of the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) masters level programs in the School of Computer Science at the State University of New York (SUNY) Oswego.
Over my many years of teaching I have taught courses in a range of subjects : from engineering surveying to finance, from artificial intelligence to computer graphics, from programming to physics. A few of the courses I currently teach are described below :
Through the review of current research and practices in the design of various technologies, including social media and mobile devices, you will be introduced to the principles and processes underlying usable interface design and learn how to think critically about technology interfaces.
This is an introductory course so we will not be studying any topic in too much depth, but rather we will skim over a set of relevant material taken from the fields of psychology, computer science, design with lots of other cherry picked material from other academic areas thrown into the mix as and when required.
The course intends to introduce some of the underlying scientific concepts from computer science and related fields including: human computer interaction, simulation and modeling, graphics, artificial intelligence, real-time processing, and game theory. Finally, the course will touch on the art and design principles for developing useable and engaging games including: software engineering, thematic structure, graphic design, narrative and game aesthetics.
The course will focus on three main areas, each taught by a different professor : 1. Computer Science – Technology theories, A.I. andplaying with the NAO robots available at SUNY Oswego. 2. Literary/Philosophy – Analysing literature and questioning what it means to be human in our technological age. 3. Artistic/Creative – Experimenting with the robots in a creative project setting of the students choosing.
The need to work together in this manner will ensure that the students interact across international borders and manage their work across time zones and cultural boundaries.
I have always been fascinated by computer technology and enjoy exploring new developments. My interest in visual arts such as theatre, cinema, comic art, painting and computer games has led to a enduring fascination with the integration some of these art forms with computer graphics techniques. In my spare time I have been involved in a number of collaborative projects with different artists, developing innovative computer animations and virtual environments. These have included comic book adaptations, film special effects, museum exhibits, theatre set design projects and even the development of interactive projection screens at all-night ‘rave’ dance events.
On my last trip to Australia I played a zombie extra in a science fiction movie called 'The Last Man in Vegas'.
I can also eat fire, twirl devil sticks, spin poi, flip diablos and ride a unicycle - but not all at the same time.
I always often end up juggling fire in the dark ...
when drunk ...
not ideal conditions.
Curators: Damian Schofield and Rusalka JohnstonThe Graphic Violence exhibition in Melbourne's Field 36 Gallery featured a range of media and examined the boundaries between science and art. The forensic evidence on display ranged from the archaeological and historical to the modern day crime scene. Each exhibit invited the viewer to question the truth of what they are seeing and investigate the evidence.
I stopped keeping such exotic pets upon my move to Australia; I seemed to have enough of them living in my garden while I was there.
I scour second hand stores and yard sales searching for copies of these things. My favourite authors include Richard S. Prather (the Shell Scott series) and Hank Jansen (the Investigative Reporter series).
I have taken a number of film studies courses, particularly focusing on aspects of Asian cinema. My passion is Japanese Cinema, from classic Akira Kurosawa through to the modern extremes of Takeshi Kitano and Takeshi Miike.
Dr. Damian Schofield
Director of Human Computer InteractionOffice : (+1) 315 312 4628 | Mobile : (+1) 410 504 3178 |
Work: schofield@cs.oswego.edu | Home: iamdrdee@gmail.com |
I spent two years travelling around southern Africa working on a number of mines : I worked on coal mines in Zambia, copper mines in Zimbabwe, exploration drilling projects in Botswana, diamond mines on the Skeleton Coast in Namibia and gold mines in South Africa. I am probably the only computer science professor you will ever meet who is qualified to handle and use blasting gelignite.
I returned to the UK and took a job with British Petroleum (BP) in London. I was based at the headquarters of BP Minerals in London, programming geological modelling software on Vax mainframe computers. Even though the money was good, I hated this job and realised I needed to change direction.