April 30, 2001

The readings for this class were:

The outline for the class is:

  1. Announcements
  2. Questions
  3. Apes and language
    A great deal has been published in both magazines and newspapers during the past few years about the so-called "language" of animals, especially apes and monkeys, the term being somewhat loosely used to denote articulate speech.

    The unusualness of this undertaking at once attracted the attention of the newspapers. Every actual and many purely imaginary phases of the scheme were written about at great length, and generally by reporters who were much more anxious to produce a "good story" than to present the subject in any of its scientific aspects. In consequence there was given the widest publicity to an immense amount of the veriest nonsense, from which the average person who depends entirely upon his newspaper for his information is likely to have formed an entirely false perception of this very interesting matter.

    -George Gladden

    1. speech
    2. signing
      • Gardner & Gardner: Washoe (Roger Fouts)
      • Patterson: Koko, video
      • Terrace: Nim Chimpsky (and obituary)
      • Michael Crichton, Congo, has a sign-language-speaking simian named Amy...
    3. symbol systems
      • the Premacks: Sarah
      • the Rumbaughs: Lana (and Austin and Sherman)
    4. problems?
      • sampling
      • data reduction
      • repetition and syntax
        give orange me give eat orange me eat 
        orange give me eat orange give me you
      • attribution of meaning and grammatical function
      • other comparisons to ASL
  4. Bottlenose Dolphins (see article abstract)
    Akeakamai and Phoenix
  5. African Grey Parrots - Alex, audio, video
  6. Parting thoughts...


Overhead Notes

Parting Thoughts

Self-test Questions

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Comments to author: David Bozak
All contents copyright © 2001, SUNY Oswego, All rights reserved.
Revised: April 30, 2001
URL: http://www.cs.oswego.edu/~dab/310/classes/043001.html