
Invited lectures and seminars

  1. Health Care Careers Conference, SUNY Oswego, 3/12/2013
  2. National Institute of Health, Division on Allergies, Immunology, and Transplantation, “Case-based Knowledge Representation within the Knowledge Spectrum and the Statistical Challenge”, 10/2008
  3. University of Trier, Germany, “Case-based Reasoning in the Health Sciences: Why It Matters for Case-based Reasoning and for the Health Sciences”, 9/2008
  4. Institute of Technology, University of Washington, “Case-Based Reasoning in the Life Sciences”, 3/2002
  5. Computer Science Department, Central Washington University, "A Computerized Knowledge-Support System for Stem-Cell Post-Transplant Care on the WWW", 6/2000
  6. Northwest Artificial Intelligence Foundation, Seattle, “A Computerized Knowledge-Support System for Stem-Cell Post-Transplant Care on the WWW”, 4/20/98
  7. Selected Topics in Health Informatics Seminar, University of Washington, “A Knowledge-Based Computerized Decision-Support Assistant for Stem-Cell Post-Transplant Care on the WWW ”, 3/31/98
  8. Clinical Division Faculty presentation, FHCRC, “Development of the Long-Term Follow-Up Computerized Decision-Support System”, 2/3/98
  9. Clinical Division Faculty presentation, FHCRC, “The Computerized Decision Support System for Bone-Marrow Post-Transplant Care on the WWW: System and Study Design”, 5/13/97
  10. Psychology Department Seminar, University of Washington, “From Case-Base Reasoning to Case-Based Learning in a Computerized Decision Support System for Bone-Marrow Post-Transplant”, 3/4/97
  11. Presentation to the seminar of the U.F.R. de Mathématiques et Informatique (Université Paris-V), that I co-organized with Professor Dominique Pastre, June 1996
  12. Invited by Professor Jerzy Korczak to the seminar of the U.F.R. de Mathématiques et Informatique (Université de Strasbourg), May 1996
  13. Invited by Professor Daniel Pacholczyk to the seminar of the U.F.R d’Informatique (Université d’Angers), May 1996
  14. Invited by Professor Franck Poirier to the seminar of the I.U.T. d’Informatique (Université de Bretagne-Sud), May 1996
  15. Invited to present my work at the tutorial of Robert Macura about Case-based Reasoning, at SCAMC-95 (New Orleans), 1995
  16. Invited by Professor Jean-François Perrot to the workshop of the group <<Objects, Models and Knowledge>> at LAFORIA (Université Paris-VI), March 1995
  17. Invited by Jacques Matthieu at the GDR (Research Group) <<Analogy and similitude>> of the PRC (Research Domain) <<Cognitive Sciences>> at LAFORIA (Université Paris-VI), December 1994
  18. Invited by Professor Daniel Goujet at the French Systematics Society Annual Meeting (Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle), December 1994
  19. Bulletin de l'AFIA dedicated to case-based reasoning, July 1994
  20. Invited by Jean Lieber, organizer of the 3rd French Workshop on Case-based Reasoning, for an oral presentation at the INRIA-CNRS of Nancy ; communication title : <<Case-based reasoning to help clinical expertise in psychiatry>>, April 1994
  21. Thursday Workshop of Sainte-Anne Hospital, organized by Professor Guelfi, January 1994
  22. LIAP-5 Workshops, 1993, 1994
  23. Monday Meetings organized at the Clinique des Maladies Mentales et de l'Encéphale by Professor Samuel-Lajeunesse, 3 presentations in 1993, 2 presentations in 1994
  24. DEA d' intelligence artificielle IARFA (Paris-V, Paris-VI, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées) (1 intervention in 1993), DESS double compétence (Paris-V) (1 intervention in 1992)
  25. Invited by Michel Dojat in an INSERM Service (University of Créteil), 1992.

Presentations given at conferences

  1. International Conference on Case-based Reasoning, Cork, Ireland, 9/2014
  2. International Conference on Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare, San Sebastian, Spain, 7/2014
  3. LORIA, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France, 6/2013
  4. International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, Lyon, France, 9/2012
  5. Industrial Conference on Data Mining, Berlin, Germany, 7/2012
  6. Industrial Conference on Data Mining, Berlin, Germany, 7/2010
  7. International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, Alessandria, Italy, 7/2010
  8. International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, Seattle, Washington, 7/2009
  9. Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium, Captiva Island, Florida, 5/2009
  10. European Conference on Case-based Reasoning, Trier, Germany, 9/2008
  11. Sixth Workshop on Case-based Reasoning in the Health Sciences, Trier, Germany, 9/2008
  12. Workshop on Data Mining in the Life Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 7/2008
  13. International Conference on Case-based Reasoning, Belfast, UK, 9/2007
  14. Fifth Workshop on Case-based Reasoning in the Health Sciences, Belfast, UK, 9/2007
  15. Industrial Data Mining Conference, Leipzig, Germany, 7/2007
  16. Workshop on Data Mining in the Life Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 7/2007
  17. Fourth Workshop on Case-based Reasoning in the Health Sciences, Oludeniz, Turkey, 9/2006
  18. Industrial Data Mining Conference, Leipzig, Germany, 7/2006
  19. Workshop on Data Mining in the Life Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 7/2006
  20. International Conference on Case-based Reasoning, Chicago, USA, 8/2005
  21. Third Workshop on Case-based Reasoning in the Health Sciences, Chicago, USA, 8/2005
  22. Industrial Data Mining Conference, Leipzig, Germany, 7/2005
  23. International Conference on Case Based Reasoning, Chicago, USA, 8/2005
  24. Third Workshop on Case Based Reasoning in the Health Sciences, Chicago, USA, 8/2005
  25. Industrial Data Mining Conference, Leipzig, Germany, 7/2005
  26. European Conference on Case Based Reasoning, Madrid, Spain, 9/2004
  27. Second Workshop on Case Based Reasoning in the Health Sciences, Madrid, Spain, 9/2004
  28. Industrial Data Mining Conference, Leipzig, Germany, 7/2004
  29. International Conference on Case Based Reasoning, Trondheim, Norway, 6/2003
  30. New Zealand Case Based Reasoning Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, 1/2003
  31. European Conference on Case Based Reasoning, Aberdeen, 9/2002
  32. International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems and Technology (CISST), Las Vegas, 6/2001
  33. American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium, Washington, 11/1999
  34. American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium, Orlando, 11/1998
  35. European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, Dublin, Ireland, 9/1998
  36. AAAI Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) Integrations, Madison, 7/26/1998
  37. American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Spring Symposium on Multimodal Reasoning, Stanford, 3/24/1998
  38. Séminaire Français de Raisonnement à partir de cas, Paris, France, 12/11/1997
  39. American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium, Nashville, 10/28/1997.


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