Hunter Gersitz Oswego CSC 212 WorkSite

This site represents work that I have done in support of my efforts to learn to program in the CS1 course at SUNY Oswego during the Fall 2019 semester at SUNY Oswego.

The showcase

Lab1 "Hello World! Hello You!"

A first set of programming examples and exercises designed to establish a framework for learning to program.

Lab2 "Hello Painter! Hello Composer!" A first set of programming examples and exercises designed to establish a framework for learning to program.

Programming Assignment 1: Microworld Problem Solving" Programs to create images in the Nonrepresentational Painting World (NPW) and sonic sequences the Modular Melody World (MMW).

Programming Assignment 3: Shapes World Problem Solving"

Lab4 "Expressions and Shpaes World Problem Solving" Painting a diamond, square, and circle.

Lab5 "An Interpreter Featuring Lop Forever and Selection" Takes a interpreter in Java and responds to the commands. After typing a response the program draws a re colored circle based upon the user input.

Lab6 "Functions and Commands" The lab take a value of a cube and calculates its Surface Area. Also, the program draws a while loop of circles give a specific value/balloons to draw.

Programming Assignment 4: Nonrepresentational Artistic Expressions"

Lab7 "String thing" The lab takes many string values, and finds certain positons in the name. The programam returns the value using a function.

Lab 8 "Array Play" Working with Arrays to print out list. Also, using an array with a text file of lyrics and printing the lyrics backwards.

Lab 9a "Simple List Processing" Basic concepts and mechanisms.

Lab 9b "Java Stream and ArrayList" Using Java Streams for ArrayList.

Lab 10 "Die and Roller" Using Java Dice class.

Lab 11 "Read Person Data" Using an array to get data on a person.

Lab 12 "Grapheme to Color Synesthesia" Lets make letters colorful!

Assignment 5 "Word list and number list" Working with Arrays and Array list to get data from a file and use a set of commands to manipulate the program by (Swapping, Adding, removing, etc.)

FINAL Assignment 6 "Chromesthesia" Using notes and painting world to create a melody from ABC notation, using a dialog box.

Various external sites relating to course content

Java Notes | Think Java: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist | Java Examples | Oracle's Java SE Tutorial | WWW Consortium