Oral Presentation


Project Oral Presentation

During various times during the , each student will present a research seminar. The content of the seminar should be at least fifteen minutes long and the overall presentation (including questions from the audience) will last no longer than thirty minutes. You should choose to present the best academic paper you have found so far in your focus area. Your presentation should overview the paper, and then critically evaluate the concepts presented in the paper. If the paper is related to your project, then the first 75% of the presentation should overview the paper and discuss its merits, and the the final 25% of the presentation should be used to explain how the paper is relevant to your project. Other students in the course will read the paper you will be presenting, and they will prepare questions to ask during your presentation. If you use powerpoint, you should plan to submit (via email) an electronic copy of your presentation on the day of your presentation.


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