Project Plan


Project Plan

In this portion, you are to flesh out more of the details of your preliminary project proposal, partly based on the information you learned in your readings. This will be a document that describes the steps you would take if you were to proceed on your project proposal. The goal here is to reflect on what you have learned about your topic so far, and to come up with a plan for the future. The requirements are a timetable with tasks listed, a brief description of that task, and an estimated time each task would take. All though the format of this document is up to you, one method would be to give a monthly (or every two months) schedule with a short description of the task(s) to be done in each month.

This list will primarily be about breaking apart your project idea into slightly smaller task-chunks than was in your preliminary proposal, and listing these out. The task list can also include additional readings or areas for research that you feel are necessary to create a strong proposal. In other words, the project plan is a plan for how you would both finish creating a strong proposal and steps to take to do the work in the proposal. You may also include tasks that you think will help you in your proposed work, such as relevant classes you could take, or seminars and conferences you could attend.

As you flesh out your project, this may be a good time to revise your project proposal. If you have learned something through the readings or through discussions with students that could potentially take your project in a different direction, it would be a good idea to describe what you learned and how it has changed the proposal.

The main criteria in evaluating this part of your project is, first, whether the steps listed seem sufficient to accomplish the proposed project, second, whether the steps seem reasonable in the timeline given.


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