Final report

Final Report Document

Use Microsoft Word (you can use for instance the Professional Report template) to create a concise  Database System Design Report containing the following sections:

  • Title Page. Same as for the logical data model.
  • Table of Contents. Same as for the logical data model.
  • Introduction. Same as for the logical data model.
  • Project Overview: Same as for the logical data model.
  • Conceptual Data Moddel
    • Use-case Diagram.
      • Review the use case diagram for the logical data model.
    • Class Diagram.
      • Review the use class diagram for the logical data model.
  • Logical Data Model
    • User Views
      • Review the user views for the logical data model.
    • External Data Model
      • Review the external data model for the logical data model.
    • Internal Data Model
      • Review the internal data model for the logical data model.
  • Physical Data Model
    • Data Model
      • Review the data model for the logical data model. Update the data model to match the required SQL data types and contraints.
  • Data Dictionary.
    • Review the data dictionary for the logical data model.
  • Conclusion.
    • Summarize your accomplishments, what you have learnt, and what you could add to your project in future developments.
  • Appendix.
    • Oral presentation Powerpoint slides.
    • Database creation DDL.
    • Print-out of your populated data (if you had any).
    • Application source code (HTML, PHP, ...).
  • Grading criteria
    • Your grade will be based on both your demonstrated writing proficiency and on the contents of the document:
      • Writing proficiency
        • Overall document appearance, Spelling and grammar, Clarity and conciseness will be taken into account in the final grade.
      • Contents
        • Introduction, project overview                             5%
        • Use case diagram, class diagram                         10%
        • User views                                                         10%
        • External data model                                            10%
        • Physical data model                                            20%
        • Data dictionary                                                   10%
        • Appendices                                                        40%
    • Bonus may be awarded if additional substantial parts are provided,  for a total of 10% of the grade.

Sample: A sample logical data model document is available upon request.

Honor code: The work needs to be your own. You may wish have someone from outside the team help by proofreading a draft version and identifying problems, but the words and content contained in the documents should be your own.

Submission Guidelines

Turn in a paper version of your final report by Thursday, December 13, 2012, at midnight.


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