Project proposal

Due date: Friday, September 7, 2012

Write a one-page memorandum to me (Dr. Bichindaritz) proposing a database application  project appropriate for ISC 329.


  • The database system project must need a relational database - at least five different tables, and no more than 10, that you will populate with at least 20 rows of test or real data  per table.
  • The database system project must perform at least 3 of the 4 types of access - read, add, delete, update.
  • The database system project must be a Web-application developed with MySQL and PHP.
  • Choose a name for you team or project.

Format and content

Your memo should consist of four paragraphs:

  • Paragraph One should concisely summarize the real-world problem and the software solution to the problem.
  • Paragraph Two should explain who the users are, or might be.
  • Paragraph Three should specify the scope of the proposed database system project. In other words, what aspects of the problem will your project solve, and what will remain as tasks requiring human judgment or work.
  • Paragraph Four should conclude with a persuasive argument for why the database system project would be an appropriate choice for ISC 329.

Grading criteria

Your grade will be based on your demonstrated writing proficiency, not based on the quality of your proposed project idea.

Submission Guidelines

Due date: Friday, September 7, by midnight, in the assignments turn-in area of the class Web-site.

All team members names should be on the document.

You need to use Microsoft Word. You can use the Microsoft Word Professional Memo for better presentation.

Name (or rename) your Word file TeamName_Proposal.doc. For example, I would call the  memorandum for project Megabase Megabase_Proposal.doc.

A sample project proposal is available here.