Logical data model

Logical Data Model Document
                                     (due on Sunday, October 28, midnight)

Use Microsoft Word (you can use for instance the Professional Report template) to create a concise,  informal Database Application Design Document containing the following sections:

  • Title Page. Same as for the conceptual data model.
  • Table of Contents. Same as for the conceptual data model.
  • Introduction. Same as for the conceptual data model.
  • Project Overview: Same as for the conceptual data model.
  • Conceptual Data Moddel
    • Use-case Diagram.
      • Review the use case diagram for the conceptual data model.
    • Class Diagram.
      • Review the class diagram for the conceptual data model. Rename it conceptual.
  • Logical Data Model
    • User Views
      • Develop and include an image of each input and output to the system: forms (such as reports) and screens. These may be developed in MS Access. Number each element of data input and output, give it a name, and add a list of these data items underneath the corresponding snapshot with a description.
      • Develop a set of normalized relations for each user view defined. There should be one set of relations for each view. An example of such relations would be, for a screen listing a Customer_ID, a Name, an Order_Number, an Order_Date, and a Product_ID:
        CUSTOMER (Customer_ID, Name)
        ORDER(Order_Number, Customer_ID, Order_Date)
    • External Data Model
      • Combine all the normalized user views into one consolidated external data model (view integration). This is a set of normalized relations merging all the relations defined for the user views.
    • Internal Data Model
      • Develop a data model with MS Access based on the external data model by creating a set of tables corresponding to the external data model and the conceptual data model. Make the required modifications to the data model and/or the user views until the set of relations you derive from it corresponds exactly to the internal data model. These relations should be in 3NF. In addition, the tables should have foreign keys representing the relationships. Paste the tables as shown in the Relationship window (Database Tools) in this document. Check that the tables and keys developped correspond to your set of relations.
  • Data Dictionary.
    • Revise the data dictionary. In addition to columns for class, attribute, data type, and description, add a column for primary key/foreign key (where you will enter PK, or FK, or PK(FK).
  • Grading criteria
    • Your grade will be based on both your demonstrated writing proficiency and on the contents of the document:
      • Writing proficiency
        • Overall document appearance, Spelling and grammar, Clarity and conciseness will be taken into account in the final grade.
      • Contents
        • Introduction, project overview                            5%
        • Use case diagram, conceptual class diagram       5%
        • User views                                                       30%
        • External data model                                          20%
        • Internal Data model                                          30%
        • Data dictionary                                                 10%
    • Bonus may be awarded if additional substantial parts are provided, such as sequence diagrams, for a total of 10% of the grade.

Sample: A sample logical data model document is available here.

Honor code: The work needs to be your own. You may wish have someone from outside the team help by proofreading a draft version and identifying problems, but the words and content contained in the documents should be your own.

Submission Guidelines

Turn in an electronic version of your document in the assignments turn-in area.


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