
Project Description

ISC 329 project is a database application project developed preferably in teams of no more than 4 students.


Select an application suitable for a database system development. This application domain should involve at least 5 logical entities and no more than 10, and several data access types, such as read, add, delete, and upate.

  • Model the application domain, and define the functionality of the system.
  • Design the database system.
  • Populate the database with sufficient test or real data.
  • Implement the database system and application code to run in a Web-browser.


Team deliverables for the project are due about every other week:

In addition, on the last day of class, during final weeks, each team will present its project to the class.


Online banking system
The online banking system permits users to access their accounts over the Internet, for consultation purposes, but also to generate transfers between accounts, and to update their personal information, such as address and demographics data.

Online library system
The online library system lets the users request an account over the Internet, search the library catalog, put a hold on books, consult their list of holds, and cancel holds.