Conceptual data model

Conceptual Data Model Document
                               (due on Sunday, September 30, midnight)

Use Microsoft Word (you can use for instance the Professional Report template) to create a concise,  informal Conceptual Data Model Document containing the following sections:

  • Title Page. Include the names of the project, document editor and contributing team members.
  • Table of Contents. (Do not include page numbers on the Title Page or Table of Contents or include them in the Table of Contents).
  • Introduction. This section provides an overview of the entire document. You can take information from your original proposal, and refine it.
    • Project Overview: Briefly describe the real-world problem to be solved.
    • Project Scope: Briefly mention the most important features and constraints of your application.
    • Document Outline: Describe the major sections that follow.
  • Project Overview: This section should contain background information on the general factors that affect the product and its requirements.
    • Describe the client for your project and/or the intended users of your system, if you do not have a client yet.
    • Describe the main functionality of the proposed system for its users with clarity and concision.
  • Use-case Diagram.
    • Provide a description (use case diagram) of the different users of your system with the functions the application will provide for them. Use any database modeling tool to draw the use-case diagram for your application. State your use-cases in terms of primary actors pursuing high-level goals. Concentrate on the big picture, avoid specifying user interface or too much detail at this time.
  • Class Diagram.
    • Use any database modeling tool to draw a class diagram. Represent all the classes/entities in your application, their attributes, and the associations/relationships between them.
    • Associate a data type to each attribute, among those proposed by the tool you are using: String, Boolean, Integer, Double, Date, ...
    • Give a name to each association, decide whether it is a weak association (represented by a plain line), or a strong association (a dependency represented by a dotted line). Add cardinalities to both sides of each association.
  • Data Dictionary.
    • Include a data dictionary in a Word table, with columns for class, attribute, data type, description. The main role of this data dictionary is to provide the meaning of each class and attribute. The description can also be documented in the class diagram, but needs not be printed.
  • Grading criteria
    • Your grade will be based on both your demonstrated writing proficiency (30%) and on the contents (70%) of the document:
      • Writing proficiency
        • Overall document appearance          10%
        • Spelling and grammar                       10%
        • Clarity and conciseness                    10%
      • Contents
        • Introduction                                     10%
        • Project overview                              10%
        • Use-case diagram                            20%
        • Class diagram                                  20%
        • Data dictionary                                10%
    • Bonus may be awarded if additional substantial parts are provided, such as functional requirements, scenarios, activity diagrams, for a total of 10% of the grade.

Sample: A sample conceptual data model document is available here.

Honor code: The work needs to be your own. You may wish have someone from outside the team help by proofreading a draft version and identifying problems, but the words and content contained in the documents should be your own.

Submission Guidelines

Turn in an electronic version of your document in the assignments turn-in area.



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