Oral presentation

Oral Presentation and Prototype Demonstration

Your oral presentation summarizes the work done so far on your database system project. Ordinarily, every member of your project team delivers part of the presentation. Exceptions must be approved in advance of the presentation.

  • Direct your presentation to the audience consisting of
    • Faculty
    • Students in ISC 329
      • ISC 329 students are expected to attend all presentations
    • Any other interested student
  • Rehearse your presentation, and in particular software requirements, with the projection equipment in Snygg 106.
  • Make sure Dr. Bichindaritz knows of software/equipment requirements so she has time to help.
  • A Sample presentation is available here.


    · Most teams in the past have used PowerPoint slides and demonstrations of database system prototypes. Multi-tasking between the programs is not hard but should be practiced beforehand to work out any bugs.

    · Speak to the audience, not to the PowerPoint slide show or screen.

    · Begin with a strong introduction and prepare the audience for the material that follows.

    · Practice the transitions between team members so that the presentation flows smoothly.

    · Conclude your presentation with a summary of the main points.

    · Ask the audience for questions at the end of the presentation.

  • Grading criteria

Your grade will be based on the content of your presentation, the quality of your prototype, and your oral presentation skills.

Honor code: The work needs to be your own. You may wish to have someone help by critiquing your slides and presentation and identifying problems.

Submission Guidelines

Remember to add a copy of your PowerPoint slides to your final report.


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